Saturday 26 May 2007

mother's day

Inspired by Asia's post:) I want to wish all mums no worries and a lot of love from their children!
My mum doesn't even know about my blog:) ...but I want to tell anyway how much I love her and to thank her for everything she does for us:)

Tuesday 22 May 2007


pozdrowić chciałam w tym miejscu Pania Kierownik i jej zielony flamaster;)

Sunday 20 May 2007


Any memories from this year's Juwenalia?
Mine are quite nice:) ...even though it was freezing cold and I wasn't dressed according to the weather:) ...even though we had to walk a few kilometers along Malta:)...even though we had to wait an hour in a queue for a beer to finally find out that first we need to go to another queue and buy some coins:) ...even though we were later taken the beers when we wanted to get closer to the stage:) ...even though we walked from Malta to the Old Market just to get tired and call a taxi:))
Anyway, I was surprised with the crowds of people...Myslovitz gave a good concert (and didn't let us down, singing "Peggy Brown" that some of us were waiting for ;):) ...and we solved the problem of small number of Toi Tois (don't ask:))) All in all, it was fun:)

The guy in the picture is Romek :) Those who know him
had already heard about his helmet a hundret times;)

Thursday 10 May 2007


A bit of memories...
Isn't she lovely...?:)
...yes, that's me...
In the picture on the left I was 3 or 4.
In the picture on the right...I was naked:)
So much has happened since then...

Anyway, I hope my children will be as sweet as their mummy was;)...if, accidentally, I ever have children:)

Friday 4 May 2007

Find the difference:)

And a work of art before I go to sleep. Breathtaking...:)
That's me...according to the painter at least...:)
They say that for a man in love his woman is the most beautiful in the world... comment:)

My child (for some time:)
sweeeeeeet isn't she????
Maddy is almost three...
and calls me Wonka:)
P.S Don't copy that:)